Bill Of MaterialsΒΆ

image0 Press BOM button
image1 Sub menu Edit menu item Bill Of Materials

In the next dialogbox three Bill Of Materials methods can be selected. The previous Bill Of Materials files will be copied to the backup subdirectory.

List of components

Every component will be listed on a line. The columns in each line can also be selected. Possible columns are:

  • Position
  • Reference
  • Value
  • Geometry
  • PartNr
  • Description
  • Extra component properties (optional)

The columns can be shifted horizontial using the two arrow buttons. With the delete button a column can be removed, and with the Add button a new column can be inserted. If there components marked with a placing option a component property MULTI_ASSY = NP will be used. This MULTI_ASSY property will be added to the possible selectable columns.

The filename of this Bill Of Materials is component.txt and component.tdl. The component.tdl file can be used to import in a spreadsheet.

Bill of materials

In this Bill Of Materials components are summed and listed. The filename of this Bill Of Materials is <design-name>.bom and <design-name>.tdl. The <design-name>.tdl file can be used to import in a spreadsheet. There are three buttons which control which columns are to be used.


The columns used are Position,value,nr components and geometrie.

pos,value,#,geometrie,part nr

The columns used are Position,value,nr components, geometrie and part nr.

pos,value,#,geometrie,part nr,description

The columns used are Position,value,nr components, geometrie, part nr and description.

There is also an option for sorting on value or part nr if applicable.