

  • Standard PC with a mouse

  • Processor with SSE2 instruction set (pentium 4 or higher, AMD althon 64 or higher)

  • 128 MB RAM preferred

  • 60 MB harddisk space

  • Operating system
    • Windows 2000

    • Windows XP

    • Windows Vista (32/64-bit)

    • Windiws 7 (32/64-bit)

    • Windiws 8 (32/64-bit)

    • Windiws 10 (32/64-bit)

    • Linux via Wine 3.0 (or later)


To install this software package run the executable pcb_eleg35.exe. This executable can be downloaded from download section. The installation path for the program may be entered, or left at the default of c:\pcb_elegance. The installer will also ask for a path for the project directory, which is recommended to be different from the program directory. This is where the project files, libraries, default settings for new projects, and other user files are stored. The project directory path is stored in the Windows registry and many be changed later from within Design manager if necessary.

Installation on a network

When executing the design manager (design.exe) a parameter (/p directory) can be specified for the project directory.

Example 1:
design.exe /p d:\projects
The project directory will be d:projects

Example 2:
Set a environment variable PCB_ELEG_ENVIRONMENT to d:\projects
The project directory will be d:\projects

Example 3:
Set a environment variable PCB_ELEG_ENVIRONMENT to d:\projects
design.exe /p%PCB_ELEG_ENVIRONMENT%\local
The project directory will be d:projectslocal

Example 4:
Set a environment variable PCB_ELEG_ENVIRONMENT to d:\projects
The user directories environment variable USER is equal to harry
The project directory will be d:\projects\harry


To uninstall this software package, run uninstall.exe. During uninstall all the directories/files in the directory c:\pcb_elegance or user defined directory will be deleted. Also the links in the Start menu will be deleted.