Add special objectsΒΆ


image1 Special objects

Objects can be added on the following layers:

  • Copper layers
  • Board outline layer
  • Info layer
  • Info layer 2
  • Info layer 3
  • Info layer 4
  • Solder mask top layer
  • Solder mask bottom layer
  • Paste mask top layer
  • Paste mask bottom layer
  • Drills (plated) layer
  • Drills (unplated) layer
  • Routing keepout layers

The following objects can be added/changed :



A rectangle object will be added. When the spacebar is pressed, an dialogbox will popup, and the rectangle parameters can be edited by hand. The first two parameters are the width, and height. The optional third and four parameter is the rectangle center. When the first character typed is a @ the coordinates will be relative against the Relative (grid)position. When drawing multiple lines in succession, the relative position is updated to the previous coordinate. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units (dimension).


A circle object will be added. When the spacebar is pressed, a dialogbox will popup, and the circle parameters can be edited by hand. The first parameter is the diameter. The optional second and third parameter is the circle center. When the first character typed is a @ the coordinates will be relative against the Relative (grid)position. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units (dimension).


An arc object will be added. When the spacebar is pressed, a dialogbox will popup, and the arc parameters can be edited by hand. The first parameters are the diameter. The optional second and third parameter is the arc center. The optional fourth and fifth parameter is the first radial ending point. The optional sixth and seventh parameter is the second radial ending point. When the first character typed is a @ the coordinates will be relative against the Relative (grid)position. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units.


A text object will be added. In the next dialogbox the (Multiline) text can be entered. In addition the text height and font can be edited. Upto 256 characters including line feeds can be entered. After pressing the OK button the text can be placed. When the spacebar is pressed, a dialogbox will popup, and the text placement point can be edited by hand. When the first character typed is a @ the coordinates will be relative against the Relative (grid)position. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units.


When drawing this polyline use the the right mouse button menu to change the drawing direction, goto the previous polyline point (Backwards) and to finish the polyline drawing. When the spacebar is pressed, a dialogbox will popup, and the polyline parameters can be edited by hand. As many as 256 points can be edited. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units.


When drawing this polygon use the the right mouse button menu to change the drawing direction, goto the previous polyline point (Backwards) and to finish the polygon drawing. When the spacebar is pressed, a dialogbox will popup, and the polygon parameters can be edited by hand. As many as 256 points can be edited. The coordinates typed in will be used with the current units.


A left pointed, right pointed or both pointed arrows will be added.


A axial or radial dimension including the value will be added.