Add component from databaseΒΆ

image0 Press k
image1 Add database component

Adding components can be a lot quicker than adding symbols, because after a symbol has been added some parameters have to be changed. Those parameters are the geometry and value.

The standard components like resistors, capacitors, 74xx range of IC and some other components can be added directly.

In the next dialogbox the symbol with the right value and geometry can be selected from the database and inserted into the sheet.

There are also five search possibilities for geometry, symbol name, value, description and partnr. A search text can be entered into on the edit boxes and after pressing the
corresponding search button, the database will be searched. The found component
will be listed in the list box above.

The information for this component database is put into two files in the base directory of PCB elegance. The names for those files are compmenu.txt and comp.txt.

image2 Compmenu.txt file

image3 Comp.txt file