Add pin

image0 Press Add pin button
image1 Press a
image2 Add pin

After the function is activated a dialogbox is visible. In this dialogbox one or more pins can be added to the symbol. The dialogbox consists of two edit boxes and two series of radiobuttons. The first editbox is the edit box for the pin numbers (pinnames). The second editbox is for the pin text. This pin text will be added as normal text. With the two series radiobuttons, the electrical direction and electrical type can be selected, for all pins that will be added.

To add a powerpin click the ‘Pinname is powernet’ checkbox. The pinname edited will be the net in the schematic. (These powerpins can be used for GND symbols).

To add a series of pins with incrementing pinnames the Auto numbering options can be used. Start is the starting value. Increment is the value which is added to each pin in succession. Nr pins is the number of pins to generate. If there is text on the first line of the edit box, it will be appear as the prefix of each pin.

After filling the dialogbox click OK, and the pin(s) can be placed. To mirror or rotate the pin press the right mouse button.

image3 Add pinbus