Add powerpin

image0 Press Add powerpin button
image1 Press p
image2 Add powerpin

When adding pins to a symbol who are connected to power (+5V,GND), there is another option adding these pins, the so called powerpins (power pin text). For example for a 74LS00 device pin 7 should be connected to ground, and pin 14 to theVCC. Instead of adding two pins, two powerpins can be added.

When adding powerpins two items should edited, the netname and the powerpin number(s). The netname specified will be used as a standard net for the whole design. The powerpin number(s) specified consists of one or more pinnumbers separated by commas. If necessary two or more powerpins with same nets and different pinnumbers can be added.

To add a powerpin use one of the above three actions. After the function is activated a dialogbox is visible. In this dialogbox two editboxes are visible. In the first editbox the netname has to be specified, and in the second editbox the pinnumbers separated by comma’s. After filling the dialogbox click OK, and the powerpin can be placed. To rotate the powerpin text press the right mouse button.

For overruling powernet names see

image3 Properties